Wie ich eben entdeckt habe ist der Beta-Status von QuakeLive offiziell beendet.
Die Modalitäten wurden heute ebenfalls bekannt gegeben sowie die Preise und was darin alles eingeschlossen ist.
Mit $1.99 für den Premium Account, sowie $3.99 für den Pro Account, Preise verstehen sich natürlich monatlich, kann das ganze als recht moderat bezeichnet werden.
Leider konnte ich das Spiel selbst noch nicht testen und so auch keine Aussage darüber treffen ob, und wenn ja, sich was am bisherigen FreeToPlay geändert hat .
Die komplette englische Originalmeldung bekommt Ihr über den Weiterlesen-Link.
Original-News von www.quakelive.com vom 28.02.2009 :
SITE NEWS | Feb 28, 2009 | marty
Around midnight last night marked our first 24 hour period of good stability - during that 24 hours the service didn't go down, and we didn't need to take it down for one reason or another. We've maintained a solid number of people on the site and the queue peak has been around 5,000 (about a 35 minute wait at our current rates) - and we've gone long periods without a queue during off peak hours. This stability was our first priority because when the site is offline, the people back-up in the queue and you see the very high queue numbers.
With this being the first weekend after opening the site, we expect it to be busy, and for that reason want to maintain this stability. With that in mind, we won't be doing anything that either threatens that stability or requires us to re-start a back-end service and bring the site offline.
Bringing stats reporting back online is now priority number one, and we expect to do that early in the week. We know playing without stats isn't nearly as fun, but we appreciate your patience and will have them back up as early as possible next week.
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